Saturday, February 21, 2009


Well, welcome home to us! We got about 5 inches of snow today, but it was blowing and looked like more to me. I was stuck in the house all day, boo hoo! LOL

DD has been emailing me with some darling things my adorable granddaughter has been saying. Apparently she didn't realize we were leaving for real when we said goodbye and she got very upset. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry when DD sent the email. Today she "called" me on her pretend phone. DD said it was so cute! I really miss them and and I just saw them yesterday.

Today I spent time cleaning and polishing my shells that I brought home from Gulf Shores. It doesn't work on all of them, but baby oil brings out the color in many of them. I read about it online today. I really would like to display these shells in jars or vases so I want them to look good.

There really is cause for celebration tonight. I didn't have even one weepy episode today, not ONE! I know that doesn't mean they are gone necessarily, but it was cool to suddenly realize it this evening. Wonder why? I guess it doesn't matter why, I am just glad.


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