Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I don't dknow what was wrong with me today. I was so exhausted all day. Would you believe I never even got dressed? I think maybe it was a little flare from the fibromyalgia. It really helps to know that there is a reason for the days when I feel like I just can't get moving.

My new curtains for the guest room are the wrong color, rats! I can't remember if I wrote about it or not, but we have our old (read ancient) living room curtains jury-rigged up there right now. Not pretty at all. I have a border in the room that is Debbie Mumm country style angels. I love it, but I have a hard time finding things in the right colors to go with it. I thought I was getting a blue with a tiny hint of green, but it is green with a tiny hint of blue. It just won't work, so now I have to decide between navy or light blue. The walls in the room are kind of an almond color, so anything neutral will just blend in instead of adding to the room. So, back the store to reorder a better color. Hmm. Maybe I can find a leftover piece of the border for color comparison.

My DS's wedding is only two weeks and three days away. It is coming too fast for comfort. I have my dress and shoes, DH's tux is ordered, and I bought the grandchildren's outfits. Yeah, I am so ready. My DIL to be is having her bachelorette party this weekend. That means my DD will be home to go since she is in the wedding party. And, THAT means I get to baby sit my two littlest darlings. Now I am really excited! Those two are growing up so fast! Ashley speaks in fairly complete sentences and Danny has a new word(s) every day.

When I named this blog "Ramblings..." I was right on! That seems to be what I do best...ramble. I will stop rambling for tonight.



jenjenjasp said... are TOO CUTE! I am not much of a "blog hopper" and probably wouldn't have found you if you hadn't left a comment on the SOTB blog! i do the Blog Posts there and the DD. I am so glad you DID say something!

I know, it is hard when people read your blog and run, but they are probably out there! I am reading your blog now, cause guess what? WE ARE NEIGHBORS! I am right here in GREEN BAY! YES WAY!....

I am having fun meeting sure to keep saying hi to me at SOTB! you read about my brain, I will forget. hahahahaha...

jenjenjasp said...

oh, forgot. I miss nana so much, don't you? sigh. i just saw your blog list over there.

Hey, I KNOW how I can remember to check on you! Stick the SOTB blog over there...then every time you blog I think I get notified on my blog? I don't know, I am still learning. But I think as long as you link, then I get notified?

Do you know? hahahahaha

jenjenjasp said...

OH, one more one more thing. LOL. see...brain freezes. Good luck on the wedding. It will be just fine. We just got through my baby sisters two weeks ago. And me as the photographer and on crutches...sigh. was very funny. Just remind yourself it isn't how you LOOk that will matter, but your love they will remember.

HAve fun with your babies!

Okay, time to go post at the SOTB blog. lol. I am putting up two different posts....